Growing mushrooms in a mushroom farm – everything you need to know

Poland is a powerhouse in mushroom production. This is an opportunity for the country, but also a challenge for newly opened mushroom farms, as well as those with a history. Why? Because times are changing, and with them trends and technologies. Growing mushrooms on a larger scale is no joke. In this text, you’ll learn how many factors need to be taken into account to think that the crop will produce a “good yield.”

Poland a powerhouse in mushroom production: challenges and opportunities

The mushroom is a Polish export hit, and no wonder, as the data confirms:

The main customers for our mushrooms are Germany, the United Kingdom and France. Nevertheless, we also export them to other countries.

In conclusion, as far as the current state of the mushroom market in our country is concerned, it is stable, but susceptible to external changes. An example are the EU restrictions, which banned from 01.10.2023 the use of the only pesticide possible so far, so that mushroom farms had to significantly shift their production model.

This situation shows that the far-reaching changes planned by the European Union may permanently affect the challenges facing mushroom growers.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the Russian embargo, which has made it necessary to seek large quantities of mushroom sales to the west.

Will the developed position of “mushroom export leader” stay with us for a long time?

Last year, from January to November 2023, mushroom exports totaled 243,000 tons, with a value of more than €469.18 million. Experts continue to predict stable demand for mushrooms at home and abroad. The advantage is, first of all, manual picking, which guarantees the high quality of Polish mushrooms, and the used ash ground can be a valuable fertilizer for farmers – which in a period of tension between the government and farmers can be crucial.

Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that the industry also has its own problems, which are due to:

uprawa pieczarek

Investing – the only way to grow

Opportunities for a good future for the industry are many, but they oblige mushroom farms to invest in modern technologies and automation that will help reduce production costs. This will, of course, allow them to offer added value and thus strengthen their position in the market.

Among the equipment worth investing in, pay attention to such items as:

Adherence to hygiene rules in the mushroom plant

Following on from the information at the beginning of the article, about the withdrawal of one of the last pesticides, mushroom producers need to place an even stronger focus on maintaining hygiene.

What threatens mushroom cultivation the most is mold, which forms very quickly and easily, and can destroy the entire production. How to prevent it?

How to open and run a mushroom farm that will be profitable?

Knowledge of cultivation is unfortunately not enough. Equally important is the equipment of the mushroom farm. It is what determines productivity and efficiency in obtaining better yields. Are you planning to open a mushroom farm, or maybe you are already running one and want to learn how to enrich it with new technological solutions? If so, don’t stop reading!

Organic or conventional farming?

The truth is that mushroom production can include two ways of growing them. We can grow them both organically and conventionally. Organic cultivation of mushrooms involves the use of natural methods and means that do not interfere with the natural growth of the mushrooms. Conventional cultivation, on the other hand, allows for higher productivity and better yields. Ultimately, the choice of cultivation method depends on the individual preferences and goals of the grower.

Profitability of both forms of production

The study showed that the profitability of conventional mushroom production in 2023 remained at the level of the previous year, oscillating within the range of profitability. In contrast, the production of organic mushrooms in 2023, as in the previous year, was more profitable than conventional production.

The profitability rate of growing organic mushrooms at a yield of 28.0 kg per square meter was 110.8%, compared to 105.9% the previous year. However, despite the higher profitability of organic production, mushroom growers tend to avoid this type of cultivation because of the higher commercial risk and the need for a special production and distribution line.

In the case of conventional mushrooms, the production profitability rate, with a yield of 31.0 kg per square meter, remained at 101.5%, similar to the previous year. The difference in the profitability of organic production was mainly due to the higher purchase price of organic mushrooms (9.9 PLN/kg), compared to the purchase price of mushrooms from conventional production (average 7.9 PLN/kg).

Production costs were higher for organic mushrooms (PLN 8.94/kg) compared to conventional mushrooms (PLN 7.78/kg), mainly due to lower yields and higher variable production costs. The largest cost in mushroom production, both organic and conventional, is the purchase of substrate, which accounted for 33% and 39% of total production costs, respectively. The second largest cost is human labor, accounting for about 26% and 24% of total production costs for conventional and organic cultivation, respectively.

*data from:

What utilities are needed to open a mushroom farm – estimates for production of more than 5,000 tons of mushrooms per year

Such a facility cannot be small. The cultivation area should be a minimum of 20,000 m2, while the utilities needed are:

Access to electricity

Nowadays, air conditioning and automation play one of the key roles in the proper cultivation of mushrooms. Their purpose is to maintain the right conditions in all mushroom growing rooms. On average, in a mushroom farm with about 12 cultivation chambers, they can consume roughly 400-450 kW of electricity.

In such a situation, it is very important to have access to two independent sources of power, especially where the climate is warmer and the air conditioning needs to run at high speed. Having two sources of power (e.g., the grid and generators) will protect you from situations where power outages last for several hours, exposing you to large crop losses.

Access to running water

Mushrooms need water. In order to provide the right amount of it for cultivation. In this case, as an investor, you have one option. Your own water intake. The intake of water from the water supply to the mushroom plant, which would already burden it with such costs at the start that the cultivation could become unprofitable.

The sewage system must be sufficiently efficient, because, for example, to grow 450 grams of mushrooms requires as much as 8 liters of water.

Location of the investment

It is recommended that the mushroom farm be built far from other plants that can generate the appearance of large numbers of insects (flies) or microorganisms. Their presence could adversely affect the quality of the mushroom crop. The situation is the same with the composting plant. We do not recommend building both plants on the same plot, because it will be more difficult to maintain hygiene in the mushroom plant, which is incredibly important in the proper cultivation process.

It is good if the distance between the mushroom plant and the composting facility is at least 5 kilometers, but in practice it can be 2 kilometers, provided that hygiene is properly managed. The closer the facilities are to each other, the greater the risk of disease transmission from the composting facility to the mushroom farm, such as green mold.

At GrowTime, we offer lamps for the prevention of damage caused by midges – insect light traps, glaring lamps and glaring lamps with a flypaper. If you want to choose them, keep in mind that the higher the IP of the lamp, the higher the seal. You can find more information here: Insecticidal lamps

Construction of a mushroom farm

On the basis of our many years of experience building and running a mushroom farm, we can really say a lot. This is knowledge that it is impossible to fit into one article, but we have selected the most important things and present them below.

Thermal insulation and other key aspects

Thermal insulation of the facility is something that should be thought about at the outset, as it is a priority in the design of the mushroom house.

The nature of mushroom growing, with its cooking/steaming phase, generates extreme temperature differences (e.g. 70°C inside and -15°C outside). Excellent building insulation is therefore essential to maintain optimal conditions and minimize heat loss.

Choosing materials with the highest insulation and vapor-proof properties is crucial, as high humidity and corrosion are additional challenges faced by owners of such crops.

GrowTime expert advice

Sandwich panels with polyurethane core in steel cladding are the most popular solution for building mushrooms. This is not surprising. They provide stable and secure support and protection against heat escape.

Gates and doors with the right parameters

You should also invest in airtight dedicated growing tunnels doors that separate the inside from the outside, providing thermal insulation. Remember that interior doors for growing tunnels also need to meet specific requirements for heat permeability and airtightness.

Logistical issues in a mushroom farm

When planning your growing space, don’t forget the importance of a well-placed traffic corridor that will allow easy movement between different sections of the crop. In addition, it is advisable to establish a packing house in close proximity to the cold store. Also remember to strategically place the loading ramp, which will streamline the process from picking to mushroom distribution. It is also necessary to provide space for packaging storage and a garage for machinery.

Other relevant factors:

Mushroom farm equipment: systems and equipment necessary for mushroom cultivation

Mushroom farm equipment is a huge topic. We’ve compressed it into a list of essential systems and equipment that will let you see that the difference between poor and good quality and productivity lies in the details.

What must a mushroom farm be equipped with?

Systems to ensure optimal conditions

Growing tunnels

They provide an isolated environment in which all parameters are controlled. They provide optimal temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration and lighting. Ideally, they should be equipped with aluminum shelves that have been additionally anodized, which protects the surface of its elements from discoloration/oxidation, as well as facilitates cleaning and light dispersion in the tunnel, which de facto facilitates picking.

Refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and central heating installations

They maintain optimal temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in the growing chambers.

Adapt conditions to the different stages of mushroom growth.

Microclimate control system

It monitors and controls the air parameters in each chamber and ensures precise and efficient microclimate management. The best devices of this type allow the regulation of evaporation in the growing tunnel by controlling the difference in humidity between the air entering the chamber and the air in the chamber.

Substrate irrigation system

It automatically delivers water to the ground on the growing shelves, ensuring even irrigation and optimal moisture content. The system is a water system completed with spray and fogging nozzles, which are placed in the shelves. It can be integrated with a fertilizer and crop protection product dosing system.

Shock cooler “shocks”

It is used for quick cooling of mushrooms after picking. It preserves the freshness and firmness of the mushrooms.


Automatic control and monitoring systems make work easier and increase productivity. They ensure precise control of parameters and optimal conditions for mushroom growth.

Lighting of cultivation halls

Provides the right amount of light for mushroom picking. Uses hermetic lamps resistant to harsh conditions.

Necessary equipment

Additional accessories

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Choosing the right equipment is crucial for efficient and profitable mushroom cultivation. Attention should be paid to the quality of materials, the functionality of the equipment and the fit to the specifics of the mushroom farm.

Do you want to talk about equipment for your mushroom farm?

Make an appointment for a consultation:

Growing mushrooms: a practical guide

Growing mushrooms is a difficult task, especially for untrained entrepreneurs who are just starting out in this industry. That’s why, below, we briefly describe what conditions you need to create to make your cultivation more efficient.

Estimated size of the mushroom plant

Estimating as of today, the new investment should provide for a minimum of 6 halls x about 600 – 1000 m2, with the assumption of realizing 18-24 and more halls in the future. Only large mushroom farms have a chance to survive, hence the consolidation of crops allows building market power, which small mushroom farms cannot afford.

Irrigation in a mushroom farm

Mushrooms consist of 90% water, so they require adequate and abundant irrigation at each stage of growth. Mushrooms grow best under conditions:

Irrigation technology:

We suggest automatic under-bed irrigation systems that increase productivity and reduce labor time, and are suitable for vast mushroom halls.

It is worth remembering to irrigate evenly, which prevents the substrate from drying out or overflowing and provides optimal conditions for mushroom growth.

Specifics of under-bed irrigation systems:

Shelves mounting:

Even sprinkling

Precision irrigation:

Typical mushroom irrigation system vs what is GrowTime offering

A typical irrigation system should consist of:

However, it is worth remembering that as the size of the crop increases, extensions to such a system are equally important. That is why at GrowTime we offer a comprehensive system that includes:

Mushroom picking lorry – what to choose?

A good mushroom picking lorry should combine ergonomics, safety and reliability with modern technological solutions. Important features include an adjustable platform, a comfortable seat, roomy storage for boxes, a non-slip working platform and advanced safety systems. Also key are the durability of materials, the ability to run on batteries for long periods of time, stable/constant speed of horizontal movement in all conditions, and ease of operation

Newton and Pascal lorries from GrowTime meet these requirements, offering innovative solutions such as automatic battery charging during drive braking, integrated weighing systems or extremely stable and durable designs. They make mushroom picking faster, more efficient and safer, making them the ideal choice for professional mushroom farms.

You can read more about what you need to know before buying picking lorry for your mushroom farm here – What do you need to know before buying a mushroom picking lorry?

Profitability of mushroom farms: profit from growing mushrooms

A lot of information, however, is not accidental. Growing mushrooms is not fun. It requires a meticulous approach and knowledge. However, hard work bears fruit, as exemplified by Poland’s position in the world.

Mushroom houses, due to the fact that they allow picking every six weeks (in the case of one hall, or weekly picking (with more rooms), are proving to be a profitable business.

Especially when we consider the performance of such facilities:

We will leave the profit accounts to you.


Is it worth growing mushrooms on a larger scale? YES.

Is it hard work? YES

Can you make it easier for yourself? Of course YES.

For this purpose, it is worth working with suppliers of equipment for mushroom farms, such as GrowTime, which has been equipping mushroom farms in Poland and around the world for years.

Want to learn more about our offerings?

Contact us: + 48 513 129 339  

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